Frequently asked questions from potential clients / employers.

What types of services do you offer?

AZ Agency supplies skilled nursing personnel to elderly care and healthcare establishments throughout New South Wales.

How do I request your services?

Please review the Client/Employer Application.

How long does it take to fill a job/shiftopening?

Typically rapid, though taking into account factors such as job intricacy and demand.

Do you offer temporary or permanent staffing solutions?

AZ Agency offers both temporary and permanent staffing solutions, catering to diverse employment needs.

Can I request candidates with specific skills or qualifications?

Certainly, clients have the option to define their criteria for candidates, encompassing skills, experience, and educational qualifications.

How can I contact your team for support or inquiries?

You can send your message to info@azagency.com.au and/or call +61 483 946 989

What geographical areas do you serve?

At present, we serve areas within New South Wales (NSW) and are in a constant state of expansion.